LENR-Forum News June 2024

Your Source for Open Science and Emerging Energy Technology


Bin-Juine Huang – Discussion of SIMA analysis results Bob Greenyer visited the labs of Bin-Juine Huang for an update on latest results where there were two full experiment variations manned by researchers and a basic reactor, all discussed in this video. On 29th May 2024, Bob Greenyer visited the labs of Bin-Juine Huang for an update on latest results. There were two full experiment variations manned by researchers and a basic reactor discussed in this video.

Bin-Juine Huang – Discussion of SIMS analysis results. Watch on Youtube.

In Low Temperature Nuclear Reactions: The Atomic Energy Revolution [English][Italian], Ludovica Manusardi Carlesi interviews CleanHME participant Francesco Celani, where he provides an update on his work, as well as comments on Max Fomitchev-Zamilov’s report Observation of neutron emission by acoustic cavitation of deuterated titanium powder published on Nature. [read]


16th International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen Loaded Metals IWAHLM16
The Bill Collis Memorial Workshop
September 2 – 4, 2024 in Strasbourg, France
with a Special Invitation from CleanHME
A Program at the European ParliamentSeptember 5, 2024

IWAHLM16 The Bill Collis Memorial Workshop [website] will be held Monday, September 2 – Wednesday, September 4 at the Sofitel Hotel in Strasbourg, France. 
1. More on the meeting is at https://iscmns.org/workshops/iwahlm-16.
2.  Register for the workshop here.
3.  The meeting is held at the SOFITEL Hotel.  Book a room with the discount at the SOFITEL by filling out the form and emailing that form to the desk.  You will be emailed a link to pay by credit card.  You can also choose other hotels to stay at in this historic town.
4.  More on the meeting venue and how to get there are located here
5. Book your train to Strasbourg from other destinations online right now at https://www.thetrainline.com/en-us. The trains are filled this time of year because of returning vacationers.  If you are unable to get a train to Strasbourg, renting a car will be the only option.
6. Abstract submission has closed.  Authors will be contacted by July 1st, 2024.

IWALHM16 participants are invited to the European Parliament building in Strasbourg on Thursday, September 5, for a program courtesy the European CleanHME project.  [more info here]  Separate registration and security requirements are required

IWALHM16 is organized by the SFSNMC https://www.sfsnmc.org/ and the ISCMNS https://iscmns.org/ and sponsored by Anthropocene Institute https://anthropoceneinstitute.com/ and Clean Planet, Inc https://www.cleanplanet.co.jp/.

Thursday’s program at the European Parliament building is sponsored by CleanHME http://www.cleanhme.eu/


A Technical Session on Anomalous Heat and Isotopes in Low-Energy Nuclear Reaction and General[visit] happens Tuesday, June 18, 2024 from 3:15PM–5:00PM PDT in Las Vegas, Nevada, sponsored by the Materials Science and Technology Division (MSTD) of the American Nuclear Society [website]  at their 2024 annual conference. Speakers are listed here.  Steven B. Krivit [email protected], publisher of the LENR Reference Site and New Energy Times, is the Session Chair.


Monthly downloads from https://lenr-canr.org/:

May…… 18,130
April…… 21,073
March… 22,113

Full stats here. Newly uploaded papers are on the Recents page. Search the LENR Library using AI capability at https://lenrdashboard.com/ and https://lenrbot.com/index.html.

Christophe Le Roux (CNRS), Arnaud Kodeck (Lakoco), Jean Paul Biberian (Vegatec), Jacques Ruer (Sart Von Rhor), and Francesco Celani (INFN) participated with members of FuturOn lab crew Ugo Abundo, Davide Imperatori, Federico Galli, Gianluca De Vita, Marco Zecchiaroli and Guido Parchi in a hands on Workshop held in May.  The gathering was designed “to exchange information and ideas on the tests underway in the different laboratories and about the characteristics of the new series of experiments recently started at Rome lab.”  Photo and more here.

Author Ruby Carat assembled the article Metal Hydrogen Energy with Nanopowder [.pdf] published on Infinite Energy [visit] about the recent success by the CleanHME nanopowder group in France generating excess heat from nickel-copper nanopowder made from a hydrotalcite process, now being reproduced in several labs around Europe.

Anthropocene Institute [visit] and SolidStateFusion.org [visit] attended the ARPA-e Energy Innovation Summit [visit] with a booth focused on networking around nuclear power. Watch some video at SolidStatefusion.org’s Instagram.

Anthropocene Institute Chief Scientist Frank Ling moderated a session June 4 at the Japan Energy Summit and Exhibition on the topic Realising Emissions-Free Fusion: Taking Nuclear Fusion from the Lab to the Market.  He was joined by panelists Clean Planet Founder and CEO Hideki Yoshino and Tagaya Taguchi, CEO of Helical Fusion Company, Ltd.  They discussed the latest advances and what challenges must be overcome to achieve commercial power production. [Program]

Anthropocene Institute hosted ICCF24xSolid State Fusion Energy Summit at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California and conference proceedings have just been published in the Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science JCMNS Vol#38 [.pdf]. Find more on the program here.  An index of papers is on the LENR Library here.  ICCF24 presentation videos are available on Youtube.

New interviews with Masami Hayashi, Fran Tanzella, Dan Sumzski and Michael McKubre are posted on the Interviews page.
Videos of Florian Metzler’s presentation at the International Conference on Quantum Energy ICQE23 are now available on the Videos page
Get the full SSF experience on X (formerly known as Twitter).



Author Mauro Morra of the Fondazione Leonardo, which “promotes the cultural growth of civil society on the topics of science, industry and technology”, reports on the Prometheus Project’s hydrogen reactor here.

Prometheus hydrogen reactor from the Prometheus Photo Laboratory. [visit]

Become a Member of ISCMNS. Subscriptions start at €25 for twelve months. Get a Lifetime membership for €200. All the money raised goes towards promoting and supporting CMNS work by organizing and supporting CMNS meetings and conferences, maintaining the Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, and subsidizing student members among other community activities.

Join the ISCMNS and enjoy early access to research, special rates at conferences, workshops, and online webinars. Apply online here today. And a special THANK YOU to our Friends with Lifetime Memberships. If you have not already joined, follow our website links to become an ISCMNS member. You know it makes sense!



Cornell Lab: Birds in North America experience steep decline  [more]
Audoban Society:  A Very Busy Earth Month Yields Big Wins for Birds [read]
eBird:  Global Big Day 2024 [report]

Before it’s out, it’s at

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