For some time our friend Dr. William (Bill) Collis has been in declining health due to cancer, and now he is being well cared for in a hospice in Italy since he is not expected to recover. It is thus with a poignant mix of joy and sadness that we announce he has been awarded the society’s Preparata Medal, richly deserved for his outstanding service to the society, its members, and to LENR which he devoted so much thought, time, and energy to.
This energy was manifested publicly at the conferences and IWAHLM workshops he inspired and sweated over, and privately with wise advice, often mentoring young entrants to the field and helping their careers.

Remarkable for the mix of British old-school charm, good humour and determination that characterised his service as Secretary of the ISCMNS, creator and CEO of the UK company and Trustee of the UK charity linked with it, Bill will not be at ICCF-25 to accept his medal in front of applauding colleagues. Doubly sad is that he is too ill to join in a Zoom-based award ceremony from his hospital bed.
Bill knows that he has been honoured by his peers, and appreciates it, since on Monday 17th Jean-Paul made the long drive from his home in France to Italy to tell Bill of the award in person. Jean-Paul found Bill calm and comfortable, and they spent some time together talking about the award, about old times, and the future.
Proper public acknowledgement of Bill’s service, his life and outstanding work for the ISCMNS will be made at ICCF-25, and I am sure that all members will join, in spirit at least, with those of us who will be there.
Alan Smith, acting CEO and Lynn Bowen, acting President ISCMNS.