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The International Society of
Condensed Matter Nuclear Science
A re-design of the website is now underway and live at Features to be developed include an easy conduit to meetings and conferences for the Society and Journal submission. ISCMNS affiliations with the Japanese Cf-Research Society (JCFS) and the Société Française de la Science Nucléaire dans la Matière Condensé (SFSNMC) will expand coordination for international events. Find latest JCMNS issues here.
IWAHLM-16 in Strasbourg, France
The ISCMNS regularly organizes the International Workshops on Anomalies in Hydrogen Loaded Metals (IWAHLM) meetings that have frequently taken place in Italy. Last IWAHLM15 was hosted in Assisi in September 2022.
It is with great pleasure that the ISCMNS and SFSNMC have joined together to announce the next IWAHLM-16 to be held in Strasbourg, France between Monday, September 2 through Wednesday, September 4, 2024.
On Thursday, September 5, meeting participants are invited to the European Parliament in Strasbourg, courtesy the European CleanHME project, for a conference intended for a wider audience.
We also remember the recent passing of our late friend William (Bill) Collis, who led the CMNS Society for many years. Everyone who participated in the meetings he organized has excellent memories about Bill, and to pay tribute, this year’s conference is called the “Bill Collis Memorial Workshop”.
Additional details with be forthcoming, including: presentation submission schedule, conference schedule, accommodations, the program for accompanying persons, and the means of access to Strasbourg from France and international locations.
If you will be present at the meeting from Sunday, September 1 through Thursday, September 5, and can dedicate a few hours throughout the intervening months to volunteer with this effort, please contact Jacques Ruer. We will discuss the details together and agree on the distribution of tasks.
For now, we thank you for your support.
Jacques Ruer, Président SFSNMC , N. Lynn Bowen, President ISCMNS, Alan Smith,
VHS Tape Digitization Project
The ISCMNS is conducting an archival project to preserve historically relevant video recordings related to the field of CMNS and the discovery of the Fleischmann-Pons Effect. As part of this effort, we are collecting VHS tapes and digitizing them. These files will be preserved safely in long-term storage using cloud storage services and uploaded to YouTube to make them available to the community at large.
Many in the first donated collection of videos, from Mel Miles, are newscasts by the mainstream media (CBS, NBC, ABC, etc.) both from the time of the announcement and periodically in the years since. Another large group comes from International Conferences on Cold Fusion (ICCFs) and other conferences, such as the CMNS sessions at the American Chemical Society and American Physical Society. This group includes the International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen/Deuterium Loaded Metals conferences organized by Bill Collis, co-founder of the ISCMNS.
Other tapes in various categories have also been obtained, including past interviews with Martin Fleischmann, Stanley Pons, and other prominent members in the CMNS field. An initial release of seven videos may be viewed at the following link:
Gratitude is expressed to Dr. Melvin Miles and Dr.Tom Passell for making their VHS tape collections available to the project. The legacy tapes project is being conducted jointly by Thomas Grimshaw and Rob Christian in their respective roles as ISCMNS Archivist and Media Specialist. Seamus Lonergan and Diadon Acs are also contributing to this project by authoring video summaries.
In addition to the legacy media, Rob Christian is also leading an initiative to film all new interviews with prominent members of the LENR field, starting with Dr. Edmund Storms and Dr. Melvin Miles. These interviews will also be released to the new ISCMNS YouTube channel here:

Join the ISCMNS and enjoy early access to research and special rates at conferences, workshops, webinars. Free membership extended through April 2024. Apply here.
Downloads at the LENR Library for January were at 19,465, down from Decembers approximate 27,000. See the full data here.
The Edmund Storms Collection is still being scanned and uploaded, and you can watch the stream of papers on the Recents page. Librarian and programmer Jed Rothwell estimates it may take him a billion years to complete. If you would like to volunteer to archive materials, contact Jed Rothwell through the Library website at
Try researching the LENR Library using the AI-enabled interface at At this time, approximately 4700 documents are available.

The 2024 American Nuclear Society Annual Conference [website] meets June 9-12, 2024 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The Materials Science and Technology Division will hold a session on the topic of “Sample Preparation and Examination of Materials for Low Energy Nuclear Reaction Experiments“. Details are available at the ANS Web site. Authors may contact organizer Steven B. Krivit, publisher of the LENR Reference Site and New Energy Times, at [email protected].
Visit our Sponsors


“The main goal of the CleanHME project [visit] is to develop a new, clean, safe, compact and highly efficient energy source based on hydrogen-metal systems, which could be a breakthrough in both private and industrial applications. The new energy source could be used both as a small mobile system and, alternatively, as a stand-alone heat and electricity generator. If the research is successful, the proposed solutions may be a breakthrough for the energy industry and will be of great importance for the so-called emission-free technologies, contributing to climate and natural environment protection.” [watch on Youtube]

Akito Takahashi responds to the nuclear reaction models in the latest paper by Huang, et al. published in Nature [visit] on possible nuclear reaction triggered by water bubble implosion is first given, and a new explanation by the TSC theory is proposed. [read]

Thanks to all who reviewed the paper and contributed to the ideas and discussion. The result is A New Understanding of Cold Fusion [.pdf] by Edmund Storms. “This paper attempts to answer three questions. First, is cold fusion real? Second, what do the behaviors imply about the reaction process? And third, can a logically consistent mechanism be found to explain the observed behavior without violating the Laws of Science? The answers suggest a new kind of electron interaction is possible.”


Founder and CEO of Clean Planet, Inc. Hideki Yoshino will speak March 9 at the Fusion Session at SXSW 2024, the world’s largest convergence conference and festival, in Austin, Texas, US. [speaker page] He will discuss the latest findings in Quantum Hydrogen Energy and a path to practical application of fusion technology in a panel with Andrew Holland, CEO of the Fusion Industry Association, and Carly Anderson of Prelude Ventures, titled Fusion Energy A Shortcut to Solving Our Climate Emergency. [more info]

BIACO Energy [visit] is experimenting with plasma-arcs in pressurized water and have released a new video about their work. [watch on Vimeo] Sources report members of ENG8 [visit] are bringing two legal actions against BIACO as part of an ongoing dispute about intellectual property.

The SSF Discovery Series has released Chapter 3 Essential Public Policy Changes [visit and download] [visit] is developing a catalog of short animations exposing some of the central ideas in solid state fusion science. See the series on Instagram [watch on Instagram], X (formerly-known as Twitter) [watch on X (formerly-known as Twitter), or Youtube [watch on Youtube].
Also find upcoming interviews with Peter Hagelstein, Fran Tanzella, and more SSF research leaders on their Interviews page here.

Nucleation Capital posted an essay by Valerie Gardner on The A,B, and especially C’s of ESG Investing. [visit] Quote:
“ESG has emerged to identify, elevate and reward companies which invest in doing what is right, even if such actions reduce returns in the short-term. It is intended to broaden the metrics on which corporations report information, so investors can make better informed decisions and invest in companies taking ethical actions, treating employees, suppliers and their communities fairly and protecting the environment—much of which costs more but which can reduce risks and other future costs, including litigation, public opposition or climate impacts.“
The author adds “Critically, there’s a significant dichotomy between what people commonly think ESG is supposed to indicate and what it actually indicates.” Read the analysis here.
Read The LENR Legacy of Bill Collis by Christy Frazier at Infinite Energy. [visit]

The first-ever United Nations report on the “State of the World’s Migratory Species” has been released. [read and download]. “Unsustainable human activities” are to blame for the dire numbers.
Report lowlights are [press release]:
–While some migratory species listed under CMS are improving, nearly half (44 per cent) are showing population declines.
–More than one-in-five (22 per cent) of CMS-listed species are threatened with extinction.
–Nearly all (97 per cent) of CMS-listed fish are threatened with extinction. The extinction risk is growing for migratory species globally, including those not listed under CMS.
–Half (51 per cent) of Key Biodiversity Areas identified as important for CMS-listed migratory animals do not have protected status, and 58 per cent of the monitored sites recognized as being important for CMS-listed species are experiencing unsustainable levels of human-caused pressure.
–The two greatest threats to both CMS-listed and all migratory species are overexploitation and habitat loss due to human activity.
–Three out of four CMS-listed species are impacted by habitat loss, degradation and fragmentation, and seven out of ten CMS-listed species are impacted by overexploitation (including intentional taking as well as incidental capture).
–Climate change, pollution and invasive species are also having profound impacts on migratory species.
–Globally, 399 migratory species that are threatened or near threatened with extinction are not currently listed under CMS.
Watch a DW short about the planetary-wide crisis here.

DISCLAIMER Mentions of any investment funds or private business do not indicate endorsement by the Authors or LENR-forum members. The LENR-forum and its members and administration support metal-hydrogen energy and solid state fusion as a zero-carbon solution to global energy needs. By publicizing community activity, we do not intend or seek to promote any one entity over any other. We do not give investment advice or suggestions. Due diligence is required before investing in any venture. Information is provided solely for educational and research purposes.

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