LEC-LIGHTS IN THE DARK Alan Smith, ISCMNS — The current focus of research is to scale up the output from Lattice Energy Converters (LECs), first pioneered by Frank Gordon and Harper Whitehouse, with power enough to run Light Emitting Diodes. In doing so, we can provide lighting to more than 900 million people without access to electricity, and who now use kerosene for illumination, an amount of kerosene equal to that used by US commercial aviation in 2005, a big risk to health. Success of this project would help develop a system that is low-cost, with a zero-carbon abundant fuel, and producing no hazardous waste as well as the broad acceptance of LENR.
A kerosene lantern provides approximately 150 lumens of light. Based on the literature, it takes approximately 1 watt of power for LEDs to produce between 100 to 200 lumens of light. Experimental results presented at ICCF 25 showed an LEC that was producing 3.0 x 10-5 watts of power per square centimeter of electrode surface area. Increasing the output power by 5 orders of magnitude would produce 3 watts of power. Opportunities to increase the output power include increasing the electrode size from 1 square centimeter to 1000 square cms, (1 square foot) to increase the output by 3 orders of magnitude. Also, improved, or more active, materials including nanoparticle electrodes, and LEC cell designs that improve ion harvesting efficiency, and optimize gas pressures and mixtures. In combination, we believe that 5 or more orders of magnitude improvement can be achieved to meet the goal. The best way to show the world that LENR/SSF is real is to make a device that solves a problem. Providing lighting to 900 million people will accomplish that objective.
CORRECTION to LENR-forum News November 2023 broken link to David J. Nagel’s paper Direct Electrical Production from LENR. You can purchase a copy from Infinite Energy here.
Join the ISCMNS and become part of a global group of motivated scientists, technologists, and others dedicated to researching and developing technologies that can ensure the future of our species on planet Earth.
Members of the ISCMNS share and discuss important scientific ideas, research results, and practical know-how. The conferences, workshops, webinars and online hubs we help to organize bring researchers and industry leaders together to bring light and warmth to all without endangering the environment or wildlife. This is a journey and a conversation you should be part of, for the sake of tomorrow, and all the days after that. Apply for membership here. Join for free until January 2024. Librarian Jed Rothwell has been uploading scans of historical documents as well as newspaper editorials and articles, from the days after the announcement of the cold fusion discovery. Physicists and science writers were challenged beyond their capability to explain experiments contradicting the 100-year-old nuclear theory. Find the newest uploads on the Recents page.
November’s downloads at are ticking up at 14,173. See the big picture data here. Search LENR library with the AI ChatBot tool here.

The 2024 American Nuclear Society Annual Conference [website] will meet June 9-12, 2024 in Las Vegas, Nevada. A session is scheduled in the Materials Science and Technology Division on the topic of “Sample Preparation and Examination of Materials for Low Energy Nuclear Reaction Experiments“. Details are available at the ANS Web site. For more, authors may contact organizer Steven B. Krivit, publisher of the LENR Reference Site and New Energy Times, at [email protected].

The Japanese CF-research Society held their annual meeting Dec. 1-2. The program and abstracts were published here.

APL Energy has published an article Li–Pd–Rh-D2O electrochemistry experiments at elevated voltage [.pdf] authored by a group of researchers including Carl Gotzmer and Louis F DeChiaro. “The experiments described here produced dense collections of tracks in solid-state nuclear track detectors, radio frequency (RF) emissions, and anomalous heat flux, which are indicative of potential nuclear, or unusual chemical, reactions…..Similar nuclear particle, thermal, and RF results have separately appeared in prior reports, but in this work, all three categories of anomalous behavior are reported.”
In the Lab with Dr. Edmund Storms Making Active Material
A joint research paper between Tohoku University and Clean Planet has been published on the Physics and Mathematics preprint server. The paper Photon radiation calorimetry for anomalous heat generation in NiCu multilayer thin film during hydrogen gas deporptoion [visit] is a summary of a talk given by Emeritus Professor Jirohta Kasagi at the international conference ICCF25, and will be published in the Journal of Condensed Mtater Nuclear Science after further peer review. Watch Jirohta Kasagi’s presentation on Youtube here.
The Riviera Maritime reports on the European Tugowners Association (ETA) sustainability conference during the Europort exhibition featured two presentations on nuclear applications to marine vehicle power. Associazione Italiana Nucleare’s Claudia Gasparrini presented educational background and ENG8 investor and Alchemie chief executive Haslen Back spoke on how Low-energy nuclear reactors (LENRs) could be installed on large tugs and workboats to drive steam two-stroke engines and supply hydrogen fuel to dual-fuel engines or fuel cells. [read more]
Anthropocene Institute hosted Charles Oppenheimer, the Founder of the Oppenheimer Project and Operating partner with 8090 Industries USA, at the Asia Pacific Nuclear Energy 2023 [program] who gave the keynote address titled Oppenheimer Values and how they can spark a Nuclear Energy Spring. APNE is the first nuclear energy summit focused on developing nuclear energy in the Asia Pacific region particularly the ASEAN countries that are currently looking at nuclear energy as a possible addition to their countries’ energy mixes considering growing energy demands. [read more]
Anthropocene Institute President Carl Page spoke at the African Youth Nuclear Summit (AYNS) 2023 [visit] on the “the need to restore habitat, and bring down carbon in the atmosphere to safe levels: 280 parts per million (PPM)”, citing their own research that shows how nuclear saves lives. [read more]
AI President Page also spoke at the 10th Innovation for Cool Earth Forum (ICEF) [program] joining panelists Scott Hsu, Takaya Taguchi, and Yutaka Kamada to discuss Nuclear Fusion Technology. See the presentation video with introduction by Sally Merrick Benson, Deputy Director for Energy and Chief Strategist for the Energy Transition, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and download presentation file here.
AI Chief Scientist Frank Ling attended COP28 joining a panel of energy finance leaders [visit] to discuss Acclerating Climate Financing for Nuclear Innovation: ETFs, Portfolio Investment, Climate Bonds. [read more]
Hideo Kozima of the Cold Fusion Research Laboratory [visit] and author of The Science of the Cold Fusion Phenomenon has released CFRL News No. 119. Included are two essays The Cold Fusion Phenomenon and the ARPA-E Project 2022 of DOE: A Facet of the Sociology of Modern Science published in the Proceedings of JCF 23, pp. 6 – 36 (2023) and A Comment of the paper by J.P.Biberian, L.Forsley, and P. Mosier-Boss, “Transmutation of Palladium Induced by Laser Irradiation” published in J. Condensed Matter Nucl. Sc., 37 (2023) 9-22.
Fresh interviews with researchers in the field discussing their work to unlock the power of fusion for our future. Includes Frank Gordon, Harper Whitehouse, and global leaders moving forward from a science to a technology.
Physicist Alan Widom, best known for his work with Lewis Larsen on the Widom-Larsen theory of low-energy nuclear reactions (LENRs) has passed away. Read an obituary by Steven Krivit on New Energy Times here.
András Kovács, Valery Zatelepin, and Dmitry Baranov have authored a theoretical work entitled The proton’s and neutron’s internal structures: Physics foundation and new measurements reveal the truth. Join the discussion here.

COP28 has ended.
World Wildlife Fund reports global wildlife populations down 69% in 2022. [Full .pdf here]
What is your next move?

ARPA-e contractor Exhlab wants to hire physicists and spectroscopists. Find more here. is looking for breakthrough energy authors. Contact us with your submission ideas.
DISCLAIMER Mentions of any investment funds or private business do not indicate endorsement by the Authors or LENR-forum members. LENR-forum supports metal-hydrogen energy and solid state fusion as a zero-carbon solution to global energy needs. By publicizing community activity, we do not intend or seek to promote any one entity over any other. We do not give investment advice or suggestions. Due diligence is required before investing in any venture. Information is provided solely for educational and research purposes.