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26th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science – ICCF26
Dear all,
We are pleased to announce the launch of the website for the 26th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (ICCF26) which will take place at the Aiina Center in Morioka, Iwate, Japan in May 26 – 30, 2025.
ICCF26 website: https://iccf26.org
Future updates will be available on this site. Currently, upcoming events are as follows:
- Registration opens: Early December 2024
- Abstract submission deadline: End of January 2025
- Notification of abstract acceptance: End of February 2025
- Early registration deadline: March 31, 2025
- Final registration deadline: April 30, 2025
- ICCF26 Conference May 26-30, 2025
Shinya Narita
Chair of ICCF26 Local Organizing Committee
Shinya Narita 成田晋也
Department of Physical Science and Materials Engineering, Iwate University
Pankaj Jain (video)
LENR-Pankaj-Oct-24.mp4 – Google Drive
Forum staff member Diadon Acs compiled a list of the various LENR Theories: Compendium of LENR Theories.docx – Google Docs
Known mechanisms that increase nuclear fusion rates in the solid state
We investigate known mechanisms for enhancing nuclear fusion rates at ambient temperatures and
pressures in solid-state environments. In deuterium fusion, on which the paper is focused, an
enhancement of >40 orders of magnitude would be needed to achieve observable fusion. We find
that different mechanisms for fusion rate enhancement are known across the domains of atomic
physics, nuclear physics, and quantum dynamics. Cascading multiple such mechanisms could lead
to an overall enhancement of 40 orders of magnitude or more. We present a roadmap with
examples of how hypothesis-driven research could be conducted in—and across—each domain to
probe the plausibility of technologically-relevant fusion in the solid state.
Discussion on LENR Forum Florian Metzler, Camden Hunt, Peter L Hagelstein and Nicola Galvanetto. Known mechanisms that increase nuclear fusion rates in the solid state. 2024 New J. Phys. 26 – Russian – LENR Forum
This paper examines the characteristics of nuclear reactions occurring in low-temperature magnetized deuterium plasma. It is demonstrated that considering the ionization-recombination dynamics of deuterium atoms in this plasma allows for the potential realization of efficient nuclear fusion at low thermal energies kT≈10−20eVkT≈10−20 eV. The study shows that these processes are linked to the formation of coherent correlated states of deuterons, accompanied by the generation of giant energy fluctuations δE≥10−50keVδE≥10−50 keV during each recurring ionization event of deuterium atoms. These findings align with known anomalies in the solar atmosphere, such as the sharp temperature increase above the Sun’s surface and the observed excess concentration of helium-3 ions in the solar wind. Furthermore, this process may explain well-documented experimental results, such as neutron generation during electric discharges in gas.
Frontiers | Advances in highly hydrided palladium
Palladium is a prototypical hydride-forming metal, which can accommodate a large volume of hydrogen through the formation of either interstitial or complex hydrides. Interstitial palladium hydrides, especially those with exceptionally high hydrogen loadings, have attracted considerable interest from the low-energy nuclear reaction (LENR) community, as they have been invoked to explain the anomalous nuclear effects related to the known but controversial Pons-Fleischmann experiment. Complex palladium hydrides also constitute a class of solid-state hydrides that present stoichiometric PdH2, PdH3, or PdH4 units within the crystal structure, but remain unexplored as far as the unusual H/Pd ratio is concerned. This minireview gives a brief introduction to these two types of solid-state palladium hydrides, with the hope of providing some information for materials development relevant to LENR research.
Max Fomitchev-Zamilov – Bubble Fusion Breakthrough? – YouTube
Russ George interview – Cold & Sono-fusion researcher discusses carbon dioxide capture – YouTube
Isma 07 11 24 ore 9 Pomeriggio HD – YouTube (Gamberale presentation to the Italian Senate about Coherent Domains)
Of special interest is this must watch, 3 part series of LENR history provided by Nebula.
This is Jaques Ruer’s description of it’s content:
This film tells the story of the beginning of cold fusion in 1989 and the few years that followed. It is extremely well documented and those interested in this history will discover a wealth of details about the events that followed the announcement of Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons’ discovery at the March 1989 press conference at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City.
It is still generally accepted in the scientific world today that cold fusion is impossible and that the so-called discovery by Fleischmann and Pons was a hoax. Some do not hesitate to speak of fraud. 35 years later we know that low-energy nuclear reactions are a scientific field that deserves to be studied and that has seen remarkable progress on both the experimental and theoretical levels. In hindsight, it is therefore surprising that the field of cold fusion is still considered a suspect subject today and that it is still risky to declare that one is interested in it. The film in question has the merit of detailing the chain of events and allows us to understand why and how this negative attitude developed to the point of being still so strong today. We discover that Fleischmann and Pons were completely overwhelmed by events. He insists on the fact that under the pressure of these they committed a series of mistakes that definitively harmed them in the eyes of the scientific community.
The film is clearly an investigation against Fleischmann and Pons but also against cold fusion in general, which leads me to react here. No mention is made of the very numerous positive results obtained since that time in many laboratories nor of the progress in the understanding of quantum phenomena involved in the reactions. No mention of the projects supported by the Department of Energy in the United States, by the European Union nor of the developments underway in Japan. One might wonder why this old story justified such in-depth documentary research, and especially why this research was not extended to recent developments, which are much easier to trace. One would be inclined to think that this film aims to discredit in advance any new announcements that could be made in the near future. One could even wonder whether this effort made by Nebula was not financed by certain actors who have an interest in not seeing a new form of clean energy develop. Simple personal speculation, but the future may reveal it. Martin Fleischmann left us in 2012. Stanley Pons retired to the South of France and refuses to meet with anyone on this subject. This is a very sad end because we must all recognize that without the work of these pioneers we would not be together to promote this energy full of promise. Let us therefore pay tribute to Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons and continue to work together so that their discovery and their dreams become a reality one day.
Yours sincerely,
Jacques Ruer SFSNMC
The Men Who Promised the Impossible: Unlimited Energy – YouTube
The Dead Grad Student Problem – YouTube
The “Conspiracy” to Kill Cold Fusion – YouTube
Infinite Energy Magazine #166 out now
Before it’s out, it’s at
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DISCLAIMER Mentions of any investment funds or private business do not indicate endorsement by the Authors or LENR-forum members. LENR-forum supports metal-hydrogen energy and solid state fusion as a zero-carbon solution to global energy needs. By publicizing community activity, we do not intend or seek to promote any one entity over any other. We do not give investment advice or suggestions. Due diligence is required before investing in any venture. Information is provided solely for educational and research purposes.

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