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La Société Française de la Science Nucléaire dans la Matière Condensée
Online THIS Friday, March 22, 2024 7:00PM Paris time
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This General Assembly Meeting will be an opportunity to present and discuss the relationship between the SFSNMC and the ISCMNS. We will remember our friend and colleague Bill Collis, CEO of the ISCMNS, who passed away last year. As a result, the ISCMNS has been restructured with Lynn Bowen the appointed President and Alan Smith as the new CEO. The new presidency aims to increase the visibility of our science. To this end, it is proposed to count together the members of the ISCMNS, the SFSNMC, and the Japanese JCFS in order to give more weight to communication. The effort is already visible on the website, which has been redesigned.
Since its creation, the SFSNMC has presented itself as the mirror society of the ISCMNS for the Francophone community. Future cooperation modalities will be discussed and decided at the AGM.
Since its creation, the SFSNMC has presented itself as the mirror society of the ISCMNS for the Francophone community. Future cooperation modalities will be discussed and decided at the AGM.
Downloads at the LENR Library for February were at 14,041, down from January’s approximate 19,465. See the full data here. Also, view the LENR Library catalog using the AI-enabled interface at

The 2024 American Nuclear Society Annual Conference [website] meets June 9-12, June 16–19, 2024 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The Materials Science and Technology Division will hold a session Tuesday, June 18, 2024 on the topic of “Anomalous Heat and Isotopes in Low-Energy Nuclear Reaction Research and General“. Details are available at the ANS Web site. Authors may contact organizer Steven B. Krivit, publisher of the LENR Reference Site and New Energy Times, at [email protected].
16th International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen Loaded Metals
The Bill Collis Memorial Workshop
September 2 – 4, 2024 in Strasbourg, France
with Special Invitation to European Parliament
September 5, 2024
The ISCMNS and SFSNMC have joined together to announce the next IWAHLM-16 to be held in Strasbourg, France between Monday, September 2 through Wednesday, September 4, 2024.
This year’s meeting is titled the Bill Collis Memorial Workshop and is dedicated to Bill Collis, Founder and CEO of the International Society of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science who passed away recently.
After the Workshop, meeting participants are invited to the European Parliament building in Strasbourg on Thursday, September 5 courtesy the European CleanHME project for a conference intended for a wider audience.
Additional details with be forthcoming, including: call for papers, presentation submission schedule, conference schedule, accommodations, the program for accompanying persons, and the means of access to Strasbourg from France and international locations.
If you will be present at the IWAHLM16 meeting, as well as the additional meeting at the Parliament building, from Sunday, September 1 through Thursday, September 5, and can dedicate a few hours throughout the intervening months to volunteer with this effort, please contact Jacques Ruer to discuss the details and distribution of tasks together.
See you there!
Jacques Ruer, Président SFSNMC,
N. Lynn Bowen, President ISCMNS
Alan Smith, CEO ISCMNS

Join the ISCMNSand enjoy early access to research and special rates at conferences, workshops, webinars. Free membership extended until April 1, 2024. Apply here.
CleanHME Project [visit] submitted a progress report July 2023 stating “The progress made so far is very impressive, although further experiments are still needed. During the first year, we have already developed new materials and activation processes which showed extremely promising results in terms of strong AHEs.” Read the full report here.

Anomalous heat generation that cannot be explained by known chemical reactions produced by nano-structured multilayer metal composites and hydrogen gas by Yasuhiro Iwamura, Takehiko Itoh, Shinobu Yamauchi, and Tomonori Takahashi has been published in the Japanese Journal of Applied Physics here:
From the Abstract: “Anomalously large heat generation phenomena that cannot be explained by any known chemical processes were discovered: Ni-based nano-structured multilayer metal composites were preloaded with hydrogen gas and heated rapidly to diffuse hydrogen and trigger the heat generation reaction. Maximum energy released per total hydrogen absorption was over 10 keV H–1 and no gamma rays or neutrons, which are harmful to the human body, were observed. It is possible to intentionally induce the heat burst phenomenon, which can increase the amount of heat generated without any new energy input. This can be applied to reaction control as well as to improving the accuracy of heat generation evaluation. A common feature, that regions of very high oxygen concentrations are observed in places, was observed in the heat-producing samples. At this time, however, the discussion of this oxygen concentration as nuclear in origin must exclude the possibility of many chemical processes.”
Assessing the Feasibility of Lattice Confinement Fusion for a Deep Space Propulsion System by Taylor Hampson has been published in the Advanced Concepts in Electric Propulsion Session here:
From the Abstract: “In this work, the application of Lattice Confinement Fusion (LCF) for deep space propulsion is explored through two distinct approaches: direct thrust generation (LCFP) and power generation for electric propulsion (LCFEP). LCF is a novel fusion technique investigated by NASA Glenn Research Center and involves confining deuterons within a metal lattice and initiating Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENRs). Two methods of initiating LCF were considered, one involving the co-deposition of palladium in an electrochemical cell and the other involving bremsstrahlung gamma irradiation of a deuterated erbium lattice. Experimental data from both systems were gathered to estimate propulsion performance parameters and approximate power generation to assess the feasibility of applying LCF to a deep space propulsion system. LCF can produce high-energy exhaust particles with specific impulse exceeding 10^6 s. However, this first-order assessment suggests LCF’s infeasibility for the applications proposed due to the low thrust and power generated. Nonetheless, additional fast-fission LCF applications that warrant future work are identified.”
Justifying the Possibility of Getting Excess Heat by Jean-Francois Geneste has been published on ResearchGate here.
Excerpt from the Abstract: “…The main problem remains to work out a theory which would give clues of what to achieve in order to get this reproducibility. The paper presented here aims at proposing a breakthrough theory explaining both what to do and why it was so difficult until now to get the targeted reproducibility.”
Join the discussion of this paper by Jean-Francois Geneste on LENR-forum here.
Origins of the Meissner Effect and Superconductivity by John P. Wallace and Michael J. Wallace has been published at viXra here: [.pdf]
Excerpt from the Abstract: “Superconductivity in most metals is due to the activity of longitudinal spin waves binding electrons into pairs in such a way that the Meissner effect is generated along with the angular momentum responses in static magnetic fields. The bulk of these spin waves appear to be sourced by nuclear spins on the lattice. Experimentally longitudinal spin waves are not difficult to detect at room temperature as they form Bose-Einstein condensates that have onset temperatures, > 1000K, for the low mass entities, less than 10−40kg. These large scale quantum structures on the order of 1 meter are ubiquitous in metals and will also exist in space with low density matter where the ambient static magnetic fields are weak and temperatures are low.”

Where is there strong and enduring bipartisan support? Nuclear Energy by Valerie Gardner, Managing Partner Nucleation Capital is posted here.
Excerpt: “Despite historic levels of strife and discord between the parties [in the US], and decades of Democratic opposition to nuclear power, on February 24, 2024, the House passed HR 654 4 – The Atomic Energy Advancement Act – by the overwhelmingly bipartisan vote of 365 to 36. This bill, sponsored byRepublican Rep. Jeff Duncan (SC) and Democratic Rep. Diana DeGette(CO), aims to cause the NRC to accelerate the review and approval of new nuclear designs by requiring that they factor in against the risks of not increasing sources of clean energy. Given that people demand firm power and this results in fossil fuels being burned, the risks posed by not providing a clean, firm alternative through nuclear are clear.” Read the article here.
Read The LENR Legacy of Bill Collis by Christy Frazier at Infinite Energy. [visit]
What is the sixth mass extinction and what can we do about it?
“A mass extinction is a short period of geological time in which a high percentage of biodiversity, or distinct species—bacteria, fungi, plants, mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, invertebrates—dies out. In this definition, it’s important to note that, in geological time, a ‘short’ period can span thousands or even millions of years. The planet has experienced five previous mass extinction events, the last one occurring 65.5 million years ago which wiped out the dinosaurs from existence. Experts now believe we’re in the midst of a sixth mass extinction.” Read more at the World Wildlife Fund here.
DISCLAIMER Mentions of any investment funds or private business do not indicate endorsement by the Authors or LENR-forum members. LENR-forum supports metal-hydrogen energy and solid state fusion as a zero-carbon solution to global energy needs. By publicizing community activity, we do not intend or seek to promote any one entity over any other. We do not give investment advice or suggestions. Due diligence is required before investing in any venture. Information is provided solely for educational and research purposes.

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