Your Source for Open Science and Emerging Energy Technology

The Fastest Path to Zero Initiative of the University of Michigan along with the Center for Research on Nuclear Decommissioning at Tohoku University will hold a workshop May 29-31, 2024 at the campus of Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, on The Potential Contribution of Advanced Nuclear Energy Technologies to the Decarbonization and Economic Development of Japan and the U.S.
The workshop officially takes place on May 30-31, with an optional site visit to the Fukushima nuclear reactor on May 29th. The site visit to Fukushima is limited to 40 people, so only the first 40 who register and express interest will be able to participate in the site visit. Find more information on registration and accommodations here.

The 2024 American Nuclear Society Annual Conference meets June 16 –19, 2024 in Las Vegas, Nevada. A Technical Session on Anomalous Heat and Isotopes in Low Energy Nuclear Reaction and General [visit] happens Tuesday, June 18, 2024 from 3:15PM–5:00PM PDT sponsored by the Materials Science and Technology Division (MSTD).
The Program:
Material Analysis of Anomalous Heat Experiments Using Hydrogen-Filled Nanometallic Composites 3:15–3:35PM PDT
Yasuhiro Iwamura (Tohoku Univ.), Takehiko Itoh (Tohoku Univ.), Shinobu
Yamauchi (Clean Planet, Inc.), Tomonori Takahashi (Clean Planet, Inc.)
Low Energy Nuclear Reactions in Highly Driven Light Water Electrolysis: From Circumstantial Evidence to Unambiguous Nuclear Signatures 3:35–3:55PM PDT
Raj Ganesh S. Pala (Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur), Ankit Kumar (Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur), Raviraj Nehra (Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur), K. P. Rajeev (Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur)
Peculiar Phenomena Observed in Low-Energy Nuclear Reactors 3:55–4:15PM PDT
Bin-Juine Huang (Nat’l Taiwan Normal Univ.), Yu-Hsiang Pan (Advanced Thermal Devices), Po-Hsien Wu (Advanced Thermal Devices), Jong-Fu Yeh (Advanced Thermal Devices), Ming-Li Tso (Advanced Thermal Devices), Ying-Hung Liu (Advanced Thermal Devices), Litu Wu (Advanced Thermal Devices), Ching-Kang Huang (Advanced Thermal Devices), I-Fee Chen (Advanced Thermal Devices), Che-Hao Lin (Advanced Thermal Devices), T.R. Tseng (Mastek Technologies), Fang-Wei Kang (Mastek Technologies), Tan-Feng Tsai (Mastek Technologies), Kuan-Che Lan (Nat’l Tsing Hua Univ.), Yi-Tung Chen (Univ. Nevada, Las Vegas), Mou-Yung Liao (Nat’l Taiwan Univ.), Li Xu (Nat’l Taiwan Univ.), Sih-Li Chen (Nat’l Taiwan Univ.), Robert W. Greenyer (Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project)
Linear Flow Network Analysis of Resonator in Low-Energy Nuclear Reactor 4:15–4:35PM PDT
Mou-Yung Liao (Nat’l Taiwan Univ.), Bin-Juine Huang (Nat’l Taiwan Univ.), Li Xu (Nat’l Taiwan Univ.), Sih-Li Chen (Nat’l Taiwan Univ.), Yu-Hsiang Pan (Advanced Thermal Devices, Konglin Group), Kuan-Che Lan (Nat’l Tsing Hua Univ.), Yi-Tung Chen (Univ. Nevada, Las Vegas)
Hot Hydrogen Testing of Uranium Nitride Cermet for Nuclear Thermal Propulsion 4:35–4:55PM PDT
Benjamin Larson (Brigham Young Univ.), Jhonathan Rosales (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), Brian Taylor (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), Jason Reynolds (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center), Nathan Jerred (INL), Jamelle Williams (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center), Arne Croell (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center), Martin Volz (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center)
Contact Session Chair Steven B. Krivit, publisher of the LENR Reference Site and New Energy Times, at [email protected] for more information.

16th International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen Loaded Metals
The Bill Collis Memorial Workshop
September 2 – 4, 2024 in Strasbourg, France
with a Special Invitation from CleanHME
A Program at the European Parliament
September 5, 2024
The SFSNMC and ISCMNS are joining together to host the 16th International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen Loaded Metals IWAHLM16 The Bill Collis Memorial Workshop [visit website] to be held at the Sofitel Hotel in Strasbourg, France between Monday, September 2 through Wednesday, September 4, 2024. Register, find accomodations and travel reservations at
More on the meeting venue and how to get there are located here. Traveling with a friend? Some of the things to do in this historic city are listed here.
Book your train to Strasbourg early during this time of year. For real, if you are attending, get your transportation cued up ASAP. Trains are filling up with returning vacationers. Since Strasbourg is a popular and important tourist destination not well served by airlines, the last leg of travel for most is by rail or road. Train services from Berlin and Paris airports are fast and frequent, but prices are rising, having doubled in the last few weeks! We recommend that you book your train early using
NEW Abstract submission deadline June 3, 2024.
Email abstracts as a one-page file in .pdf format via the Call for Papers page and using the provided template and form.
Abstract submission closes: June 3rd, 2024
Authors contacted by: July 1st, 2024
Abstract submission requires pre-registration here.
On Thursday, September 5, IWAHLM16 meeting participants are invited to the European Parliament building in Strasbourg for a program courtesy the European CleanHME project. Separate registration is required. More information on attending the CleanHME European Project meeting is here.
Please note that the last (public) day is sponsored by the CleanHME team and will be held at the EU parliament building. Attending this session in person requires you to provide additional personal information as requested on the ISCMNS website because the parliament building has full security procedures controlling admission.

Join the CleanHME European Project [visit] at the European Parliament building in Strasbourg, France on Thursday, September 5, 2024. To register for this special one day event, complete this form. Lunch is included. Find out more information at the event website here. Members of the press should contact IWAHLM16 for attendance requirements.

A Parliamentary Question & Answer from the European Parliament
Firstly, a Question was posed for written answer (E-000293/2024 to the Commission Rule 138), Aldo Patriciello (ID). Reproduced here, the question was:
ARPA-E (USA) has funded eight research and demonstration projects[1] through a call for proposals with a budget of USD 10 million to select one or more promising avenues for further development.
A NASA document[2] confirmed the strength of the commitment of various Japanese business actors based on the LENR phenomenon and the ‘Japanese LENRs’ are mentioned as one of three possible solutions to climate issues.
In view of the above:
1.In light of the establishment of the EU’s CleanHME programme and the possibility that a new project on the proposed topics could have an impact – either as a new green energy technology or as a means of disposing of harmful waste with the production of useful materials – what action does the Commission intend to take in this regard?
2.In particular, will the new programme aim to obtain substantial and shared evidence of the existence and characteristics of the phenomenon, starting with the reproducibility and repeatability of the results and providing standardised programmes and materials so that knowledge can be compared and built on between the different groups active in the world?
3.Does the Commission intend to assess the creation of demonstrator prototypes with an appropriate Technology Readiness Level (e.g. TRL > 5)?
Second, an Answer was given by Ms. Ivanova, on behalf of the European Commission, and was posted:
Clean Energy from Hydrogen-Metal Systems (CleanHME)[1] is a project that was selected for funding under Horizon 2020[2] during the European Innovation Council’s (EIC) pilot phase[3].
The EIC cannot ensure the automatic renewal of any project given the high level of scientific and technical competition and the strict selection process in place. However, CleanHME is eligible to submit proposals to the EIC Transition scheme[4] as it was funded under the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Proactive scheme in Horizon 2020[5].
CleanHME has currently entered its last year of implementation with most of the very ambitious research objectives yet to be achieved. The already reported scientific results are published in scientific journals and are shared with the scientific community, following the open access practices required by the Commission.
Within the EIC Work Programme[6], the EIC Transition grant scheme was introduced to bridge the gap between research and the market. It aims at supporting innovation activities that go beyond the experimental proof of principle in laboratory. Moreover, if CleanHME has created a spin-off or a smalland medium-sized enterprise and is in the process to scale up, it can submit a proposal to the EIC accelerator call.
The EIC is supporting technological innovations and their transfer towards the market. All EIC projects reaching technology readiness level (TRL) 3[7] or TRL 4[8] and beyond, are given the possibility to pursue further requests for funding through the transition and acceleration funding schemes.
[3] Call H2020-EIC-FETPROACT-2019. The project started in August 2020 with a duration of 54 months and was granted the amount of EUR 5 509 447 to support its innovative approach of green, high and stable energy production.
[7] Experimental proof of concept.
[8] Technology validated in laboratory.

April downloads of papers at the LENR Library came in at 21,073, a slight dip from March’s 22,114 downloads. Full stats are here. Find newly uploaded papers on the Recents page.
Two more ways to Search the LENR Library using advanced AI programming with the new LENRbot tool. Find what you need, and even what you didn’t know you needed:

Become a Member of ISCMNS. Subscriptions start at €25 for twelve months. Get a Lifetime membership for €200. All the money raised goes towards promoting and supporting CMNS work by organizing and supporting CMNS meetings and conferences, maintaining the Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, and subsidizing student members among other community activities.
Join the ISCMNS and enjoy early access to research, special rates at conferences, workshops, and online webinars. If you have not already joined, follow our website links to become an ISCMNS member. Apply online here today. You know it makes sense! THANK YOU to our Friends with Lifetime Memberships. Your continued support makes our common future stronger.

The Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science JCMNS Volume 38 has been published. The issue contains the Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (ICCF24) Solid State Energy Summit, Mountain View, California. Download a .pdf here.
An index of all papers in JCMNS#38 is here. (scroll down to bottom of page).
Find all JCMNS issues at the LENR Library here.
From the Archive 35-years ago this May, the American Physical Society convened in Baltimore, Maryland and took a vote that cold fusion was dead. Jed Rothwell has collected some of the comments from that historic meeting in a paper Information from the APS meeting in Baltimore, May 1-2, 1989. [.pdf]
From the Archive The Secret of the Three Bullets How New Nuclear Weapons Are Back on the Battlefield by Maurizio Torrealta and cold fusion pioneer Emilio Del Giudice. [visit] Review contains extended excerpt from Chapter 1 That Strange Phone Call.

Akito Takahashi and Joji Hachisuka have publicly announced an R&D company New Hydrogen Fusion Energy, Inc in this Establishment Statement here.
Excerpt: “…After 34 years of cold fusion research since 1989, we have arrived at a great solution: New Hydrogen Fusion Energy (NHFE). NHFE is a clean and portable form of fusion energy that uses light hydrogen (H2) gas as the nuclear fuel and a small amount of nano-metal catalyst, about 1 kg. The latest R&D data shows excessive heat power levels of 400 to 1000 W/kg-sample and COP (output power/input heating power) of 1.5 to 1.7 for several days [1, 2, 3]. The characteristic specific reaction energy is well over 10 keV per hydrogen atom consumed. In principle, the energy output density is one million times the chemical reaction energy. Therefore, by consuming only a small amount of natural hydrogen (light hydrogen), the thermal energy and electrical energy necessary for daily life and industry can be achieved using a compact device that is similar to a tabletop type. Because it is a distributed energy source, it does not need to be transmitted over a wire grid like nuclear reactors or high temperature fusion reactors. It can be installed and used in each home or community. First milestone data is 1.0 kW/kg sample, over 2.0 COP for a prototype portable tabletop size heat generator….” [Read more]
Visit the New Hydrogen Fusion Energy website here: [Japanese] [English].
Follow the Hydrogen Fusion Energy thread on LENR-forum.

Green Economy Agency GEA [visit] is reporting the Prometheus reactor is “capable of developing high-efficiency green energy”.
Salvatore Majorana, Director of Kilometro Rosso, a firm that puts innovative technology and business together, says “With a small amount of energy, produced by a battery of a traditional car, we are able to induce a transformation of water capable of releasing large quantities of hydrogen, and it is not a matter of electrolysis.” Read in [Italian] [English]
Visit the company website at
Follow the Prometheus reactor thread on LENR-Forum.

Theresa Benyo and Larry Forsley, NASA scientists working on solid state fusion, were guests on the podcast Managing Sustainable Futures Dec 2023. Check it out on Spotify here.

New record for largest 12-month gain in carbon dioxide concentration ever observed, reports the Scripps Institution for Oceanography at UC San Diego. The monthly average concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere measured at NOAA’s Mauna Loa Observatory in March 2024 was 4.7 parts per million (ppm) higher than that recorded in March 2023, setting a new record and revealing the increasing pace of CO2 addition to the atmosphere by human activities. “We sadly continue to break records in the CO2 rise rate,” said Ralph Keeling, director of the CO2 Program at UC San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography. “The ultimate reason is continued global growth in the consumption of fossil fuels.” Read it while you still can here. See historical levels of the Keeling curve here.
Before it’s out, it’s at
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