LENR-Forum News July 2024

Your Source for Open Science and Emerging Energy Technology


At least sixteen labs across Europe participate in the CleanHME program with physicist Konrad Czerski leading the effort from the University of Szczecin eLUBRIS lab profiled in this video with the research team there.

A second group based in France has released a documentary showing their collaboration producing nickel-copper nanopowders for use in hydrogen metal energy reactors through a hydrotalcite method.  Watch it on Youtube here.

Researchers Jacques Ruer, Mathieu Valat, Christophe Le Roux, Robert Michel and Jean-Paul Biberian discuss the manufacture and testing of a nickel-copper hydrotalcite nanopowder designed for use in hydrogen energy reactor cores.

Interesting Engineering reports that Alternative to fusion, one-neutron stripping beats powerful nuclear reaction.  [read]


16th International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen Loaded Metals
IWAHLM16 The Bill Collis Memorial Workshop
September 2 – 4, 2024 in Strasbourg, France
with a Special Invitation from CleanHME
A Program at the European ParliamentSeptember 5, 2024


If you are going to the Strasbourg IWAHLM16 Workshop in September AND you also plan to attend the European Parliament session at the European Union, please read on, as there have been a few changes.

To attend the CleanHME Program at the European Parliament building, you must fill out the security form before August 15th.

If you have already filled out this form, you have to fill it out again, since as of July 1st, the E.U. has recently changed.
Please download and send this new form to be sure access is granted. Here is the link to the Form: https://iscmns.org/cleanhme-conference-2024

Read more and get live updates from this LENR-forum thread.

IWAHLM16 The Bill Collis Memorial Workshop [website] will be held Monday, September 2 – Wednesday, September 4 at the Sofitel Hotel in Strasbourg, France. Register for the workshop hereWe are happy to announce there are about 60 bookings at this time.  Meet us Sunday night at the Sofitel Hotel for an early get-together.  See a Press Release here.

IWALHM16 participants are also invited to a special event at the European Parliament building in Strasbourg on Thursday, September 5, for a program courtesy the European CleanHME project.  [more here]  Separate registration and additional security protocol are required.

Book train travel to Strasbourg from other destinations online right now at https://www.thetrainline.com/en-us. Trains may already be filled at this time because of returning vacationers and the Summer Olympics 2024 in Paris.  If you are unable to get a train from your location to Strasbourg, renting a car, and/or carpooling if possible, will be the only option.  Try to hook-up with others for travel from your major city to Strasbourg.

The IWAHLM16 venue is at the SOFITEL Hotel, and rooms are likely filled.  Book now at the Hotel Mercure, right next door. [visit Hotel Mercure]   Download, complete and email a booking form here.  (You do not have to enter credit card information at this time. A link to pay by card will follow.) There is a list of alternate hotels to stay at in this historic town.  Find more advice on travel and hotels, ask questions, hook-up with others here on the IWAHLM16 thread at LENR-Forum.

IWALHM16 is organized by the SFSNMC https://www.sfsnmc.org/ and the ISCMNS https://iscmns.org/ and sponsored by Anthropocene Institute https://anthropoceneinstitute.com/ and Clean Planet, Inc https://www.cleanplanet.co.jp/and Infinite Energy Foundation https://infinite-energy.com/.

Thursday’s program at the European Parliament building is a separate affair sponsored by CleanHME Consortium http://www.cleanhme.eu/

This is an early Call for Papers for the American Nuclear Society ANS 2026 LENR Session. The goal is to assist researchers to plan their experiments and, hopefully, their reports of successful results, with plenty of advance notice.  The third LENR Session at the American Nuclear Society national meeting will take place between May 31 and June 3, 2026, in Denver, Colorado.  The title for the session is Anomalous Heat and Nuclear Products in Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions.

A formal Call for Papers will be published in the ANS Nuclear News in the Fall of 2025 and the abstract deadline will be in January or February of 2026.  For further information, please contact session organizer Steven Krivit at New Energy Times.  [visit]


Schools out, so monthly downloads are at a low!
June…. 14,044
May…… 18,130
April…… 21,073

Full stats here. Find newly uploaded papers at the Recents page.

Search the LENR Library using AI capability at https://lenrdashboard.com/ and https://lenrbot.com/index.html.

The Japan CF-research Society has a newly-designed website with easy access to JCF meeting Proceedings. [visit]

Anthropocene Institute has published an interactive map of Nuclear Startups which includes private and national labs, consultants, as well as nuclear battery tech around the world. [visit].  Click on the Legend items to filter locations on or off.  Clean Planet, Inc. and Brillouin Energy Corp. are the two listings for solid state fusion.

Anthropocene Institute Chief Scientist Frank Ling appeared on a panel at a Japan-US Innovation Awards Tokyo Event [visit] entitled Innovations Re-shaping Nuclear Power, where they discussed nuclear power and how it can be harnessed to de-carbonize electric grids.  [visit]

Find a playlist of videos from the SXSW event attended by Anthropocene Institute, starting with Fusion Energy A Shortcut to Solving Our Climate Emergency on Youtube here.

A survey of the solid state fusion service environment is ongoing.  Monitor the Solid State Fusion Discovery Report here.

The ChatGPT of LENR and Solid State Fusion is available for the public.  Remember, trust, but verify.  Ask the LENR Chatbot here.

Find out what’s happening at SolidStateFusion.org on Instagram.



Rod Adams, Nucleation Capital Managing Partner, has posted Biden Signs the ADVANCE Act, [read] “a huge move forward for nuclear power in the U.S.”

The Breakthrough Energy Project wants to crowd source open-science technology.  Can it work? [visit]

Bob Greenyer and Roger Green on Andrea Rossi and the E-Cat

Bob Greenyer of MFMP interviews alt energy investor Roger Green on his relationship with Andrea Rossi, inventor of the Energy Catalyzer E-Cat, and what happened with the distribution licenses.  Read more about Bob Greenyer’s trip to Cosmic Summit 24 at this diary here.

Become a Member of ISCMNS. Subscriptions start at €25 for twelve months. Get a Lifetime membership for €200. All the money raised goes towards promoting and supporting CMNS work by organizing and supporting CMNS meetings and conferences, maintaining the Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, and subsidizing student members among other community activities. If you have not already joined, follow our website links to become an ISCMNS member. You know it makes sense!

Join the ISCMNS and enjoy early access to research, special rates at conferences, workshops, and online webinars. Apply online here today. And a special THANK YOU to our Friends with Lifetime Memberships. Your continued support means everything.


USATodayMass dolphin stranding off Cape Cod largest in US history.  [read with video]

BBC Whole pod of 77 whales die in “biggest mass stranding in decades”.  [read with video]

SmithsonianRescuers save 130 beached pilot whales after mass stranding in Western Australia.  [read with video]


Before it’s out, it’s at

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DISCLAIMER Mentions of any investment funds or private business do not indicate endorsement by the Authors or LENR-forum members. LENR-forum supports metal-hydrogen energy and solid state fusion as a zero-carbon solution to global energy needs. By publicizing community activity, we do not intend or seek to promote any one entity over any other.  We do not give investment advice or suggestions. Due diligence is required before investing in any venture. Information is provided solely for educational and research purposes.

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