LENR-Forum News September 2024

A monthly round-up of the best of LENR-Forum

Your Source for Open Science and Emerging Energy Technology


The 16th International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen Loaded Metals IWAHLM16 the Bill Collis Memorial Workshop [Book of Abstracts] was held in Strasbourg, France earlier this month and a photo gallery in now public. Co-organizer Jacques Ruer, et statue d’un homme, wrote a summary in the SFSNMC letter, and, Alan Smith authored this:

Cold Fusion for Breakfast in Strasbourg –IWAHLM-16

by Alan Smith

Not just for breakfast, but lunch dinner and supper too. I have attended 5 previous IWAHLM Workshops, and I cannot remember one that was better attended, and more collegiate in atmosphere. At times, there was the kind of buzz you only get at movie premieres and rock concerts. Deals were being done, new collaborations being discussed and agreed on; you could feel the excitement.

There were 78 delegates from 17 countries on-site, plus around 15 accompanying persons, a record in itself. Mitsubishi, Nissan, and Toyota were there, and two nations sent military research workers. There were resource specialists, journalists, and talent scouts from the VC/hedge fund world, too. A new commercial entrant was Exafuse, now on our radar.

All the sessions have been recorded, and the videos are being edited by our friends at Anthropocene and SolidStateFusion.org, and will be public soon. My own favourites were those from Frank Gordon and Harper Whitehouse, Andras Kovacs, Clean Planet and Lutz Jaitner.

PHOTO: Gala Dinner at the Kamerzell Restaurant. Left to right Yasuhiro Iwamura (CP) and Mrs. Iwamura and Daughter, Francesco Celani, Pietro Cerreoni (INFN), Jacques Ruer (CHME), Masami Hayashi (CP), Jean-Paul Biberian (CHME).

At the Gala dinner, medals were presented. First, a serious moment as we talked about our late friend Bill Collis, who was awarded a posthumous Preparata silver medal for his distinguished service to the ISCMNS and to the field. David Nagel, also received the honor for his distinguished service, perceptiveness, and sheer stamina. Last, but certainly not least, the ‘best poster’ medal went to David Fodt, for an immaculately presented poster that was also backed up with a display of some interesting hardware.

Finally a word about the conference center – the Sofitel Hotel staff were friendly and helpful, the food excellent, the rooms nice, and nothing seemed to be too much trouble. Expensive hotels have their drawbacks, but this had very few. Thank you Sofitel Hotel for your fine accommodations. And to all, do keep tabs on the LENR-forum Workshop thread as we add more files. A bientôt!— Alan Smith, ISCMNS, LENR-Forum

The Solid State Fusion group have edited and uploaded many of the presentations from IWAHLM16 on their Youtube channel here.

IWALHM16 was organized by the SFSNMC https://www.sfsnmc.org/ and the ISCMNS https://iscmns.org/ and sponsored by Anthropocene Institute https://anthropoceneinstitute.com/, Clean Planet, Inc https://www.cleanplanet.co.jp/and Infinite Energy Foundation https://infinite-energy.com/. The CleanHME Consortium http://www.cleanhme.eu/ sponsored the program at the European Parliament.

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Sindre Zeiner-Gunderson has released Nature of spontaneous signal and detection of radiation emitted from hydrogen Rydberg matter [read]. From the abstract:

“In this article, we report on laser-induced radiation and spontaneous radiation emitted from a chamber containing hydrogen Rydberg matter………The results presented herein have been recorded for the past 4 years. The extensive and extended research shown in this work verifies that when hydrogen enters an iron oxide Rydberg state catalyst containing potassium, the catalyst will eventually emit penetrating radiation that behaves as x rays. The radiation can easily be detected using several detector methods. The spontaneous signal shows all indications of being x-ray radiation in character. The findings of this study regarding hydrogen’s behavior in materials have not been previously reported and require additional investigation by other research teams.” Read the full report here.


Anthropocene Institute’s Hilda Palencia was in Washington, D.C. to attend the conference The Nuclear Frontier: Securing America’s Energy Future—How the ADVANCE Act Will Drive Adoption of Nuclear Energy in the United States. President Biden signed the ADVANCE Act into law this past July, directing the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to “explore methods of quickening the licensing process for new nuclear technology, as well as streamlining the Energy Department’s technology export process.” Read her report here, which includes video of a panel discussion posted by The Hill, one of the event sponsors.

The SSF team attended IWAHLM16 capturing photos, video and presenting during poster session. Eman Elshaikh wrote this report. Look for IWAHLM16 video presentations on the SSF Youtube channel. An account of the CleanHME program at the European Parliament building immediately following the workshop is posted here.

The SSF poster summarized the resources created by the group, “including a scientific research database, educational tools, and interviews with leading figures in the field.” Outreach activities include social media posts on solid state fusion topics featuring original graphics, animations, and video. The SSF platform “aims to foster collaboration and bring fresh talent and investment into the burgeoning field of solid-state fusion, helping to shape its future.”

GRAPHIC: The crew at SolidStateFusion.org put this poster together for the session at IWAHLM16 The Bill Collis Memorial Workshop.

SSF is also reporting on the partnership between New York University and LENR researchers in AI Tools Strengthen New Nuclear Energy Research and Development. [read] George Washington University Professor and former United States Naval Research Laboratory researcher David Nagel, and Professor of Computer Science at New York University (NYU) Anasse Bari, who leads the Predictive Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) research laboratory at NYU Courant, are collaborating with a team at NYU to “design and deploy AI tools to advance the research and commercialization of this field.” The project has developed tools such as https://lenrdashboard.com/ and https://lenrbot.com/index.html which are currently available free to the public research community.

Photos and presentation files are included in this article on the LENR Session at the American Nuclear Society meeting held earlier in the summer in Las Vegas, which saw presentations from Tohoku University, National Taiwan University, National Taiwan Normal University, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, and the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur.

Umberto Giordiano has a Youtube channel with lots of art, and some archival video of Italian cold fusion labs and interviews from 2011 and 2012. This Italian-language offering with historical value can be found here.


Members of Tohoku University and Clean Planet, Inc presented at the meeting Strasbourg, France earlier this month and posted a photos on their Linkedin page here.

PHOTO: The NTNU research team in the cold fusion laboratory.

The National Taiwan Normal University has a new partnership for the Institute of Green Energy Technology and Sustainable Governance at the College of Industry and Innovation, where Chair Professor Bin-Juine Huang leads the reactor research. Two quotes google translated from Trad. Chinese is reproduced here:

“Jiangling Group chairman Lin Meidong, said that starting from 2023, Jiangling Group will sign a long-term industry-university cooperation with the Institute of Green Energy Technology and Sustainable Governance, College of Industry and Innovation, National Taiwan Normal University to jointly promote “zero-carbon green energy innovative technology demonstration and forward-looking academic research” to create a distinctive “Jiufen Zero-Carbon Green Energy Park”, including the park’s net-zero carbon emission strategy, the development of small-scale microclimate control technology, and the display of diverse and forward-looking green energy technologies at Jiufen Transfer Station, including small-scale microclimate technology ( Cold spring dehumidification, local cooling, spray cooling), multi-functional power storage technology, pyramid solar microgrid technology, cold fusion technology, etc…..Wu Zhengji, president of National Taiwan Normal University, said that this industry-university cooperation is two-way, trying to bring innovative R&D from the school to the industry for direct implementation, and to bring innovative R&D from the industry into the school to conduct academic discussions and technological innovation (such as cold integration) Innovative design of reactor miniaturization). The two complement each other and accelerate the integration of science and technology. Under the close cooperation between industry and academia, the school’s practical R&D and innovation capabilities are cultivated. Under the training of “learning by doing”, students acquire scientific research capabilities that pay equal attention to theory and practice.” Read more here or try this google translate here.

Hylenr Technologies [visit] live-streamed their product launch in July [watch] for the hydrogen metal energy device using nickel and palladium that requires 100 Watts electrical input, which will be delivered by a hybrid wind-solar source, with the output being 150 Watts thermal heat power. In a new video, Hylenr’s Siddhartha Durairajan describes additional applications now being developed which include a small heater for spacecraft electronics that will decrease the load to onboard batteries by 40%.

Hylenr Technologies describes their plans for the 150 Watt heater.

Commercially-focused group Exafuse [visit] supported by the Australian Air Force and led by pilot Chris Scott has recruited an R&D team including Andras Kovacs of BroadBit batteries, CERN physicist Bob McElrath, and former-SKINR researcher Dennis Pease. From their website, they say the have “Demonstrated control over the alpha-decay ​process: We’ve unlocked a range of high-​energy fuels for low cost nuclear battery ​technology as well as conventional nuclear” and are also planning a halogen powered reactor.


Nucleation Capital is sponsoring Uplifting Humanity, Nuclear New York’s UNGA Science Summit symposium during Climate Week NYC.  This in-person event on Roosevelt Island will be simulcast globally as part of the UNGA Science Summit. This year’s nuclear symposium will bring together energy and technology investors, delegations of emerging economies, economic development organizations, and international climate/environment groups to discuss opportunities and challenges in scaling up this clean energy technology. [visit]



The International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration: Grim outlook for Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier [read]

Planetary Boundaries Science: Data in new report shows oceans now reaching critical acidification levels that won’t support life. [read]

Science: A 485-million-year history of Earth’s surface temperature [read]


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