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26th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science – ICCF26
Dear all,
We are pleased to announce the launch of the website for the 26th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (ICCF26) which will take place at the Aiina Center in Morioka, Iwate, Japan in May 26 – 30, 2025.
ICCF26 website: https://iccf26.org
Future updates will be available on this site. Currently, upcoming events are as follows:
- Registration opens: Early December 2024
- Abstract submission deadline: End of January 2025
- Notification of abstract acceptance: End of February 2025
- Early registration deadline: March 31, 2025
- Final registration deadline: April 30, 2025
- ICCF26 Conference May 26-30, 2025
Shinya Narita
Chair of ICCF26 Local Organizing Committee
French Society of Nuclear Science in Condensed
Matter 1
Letter N°55
Announcement of the ICCF26 conference
Dear members,
The next ICCF26 conference will be held next May in Japan in the city of Morioka. You
probably know that ICCF (International Conference on Cold Fusion) conferences are held
regularly on a rotating basis in America, Europe and Asia. It is therefore logical that after
ICCF25 in Poland in Szczecin ICCF26 will take place in Japan.
The organization of the conference is entrusted to the University of Iwate and the chairman is Professor
Shinya Narita (Department of Physical Science and Materials Engineering)
The conference website is now open: https://iccf26.org/
The conference will be held from May 26 to 30, 2025 at the Aiina Congress Center, in the immediate vicinity of Japan Railway Station in Morioka, accessible by Shinkansen fast train from Tokyo in
less than 3 hours.
Registration has been open since December 10 and will close on April 30, 2025. On the website you
will discover that a preferential rate is available until March 31, while virtual participation
is offered at a reduced price. From Europe, it will of course be necessary to take into account the time difference of 7 hours (summer time in Europe in May)
Authors are invited to submit their abstract before the end of January.
Morioka is a city of 300,000 inhabitants dominated by Mount Iwate (2038m). It is known
in Japan for its festivals, but which do not take place on the dates of the conference. Nevertheless, the program includes an excursion that will certainly be very pleasant.
At Iwate University, Professor Narita’s department specialises in high-energy
particle physics, but also in low-energy nuclear reactions in solids.
There is no doubt that under the leadership of this university, ICCF26 promises to be an important
event for all of us.
Yours sincerely,
Jacques Ruer

Downloads had a big jump in November, totals are still trending upwards…
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Get the latest from our friends in Russia at http://lenr.seplm.ru/.
New Papers:
Charge Clusters, Low Energy Nuclear Reactions and Electron Structure
This paper proposes the possibility that the formation of coherent charge clusters in nanometric gaps may have a role in the generation of Ultra Dense Hydrogen, Compton Scale Structures and in the catalysis of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions. This hypothesis is strictly related to a simple and intuitive theoretical framework that, in agreement with Occam’s razor principle, proposes a common origin of fundamental physical properties as charge, mass, relativistic mass, spin and magnetic moment. This approach needs a particular Zitterbewegung electron model derived by a purely geometric/electromagnetic interpretation of Maxwell-Proca, Planck, De Broglie, Schrödinger, relativistic energy momentum and Aharonov-Bohm equations. Starting from this Zitterbewegung model a realistic hypothesis may be formulated on the structure of dense charge clusters seen by Shoulders and other researchers in their experiments.
(PDF) Charge Clusters, Low Energy Nuclear Reactions and Electron StructureConsistency of helium production with the excess power in the palladium-D2O electrochemical system
Consistency of helium production with the excess power in the palladium-D2O electrochemical system
Melvin H. Miles , Peter Hagelstein
A new equation accurately relates the helium-four production with the excess power for the Pd-D2O electrochemical system based upon the assumption of 23.85 MeV per He-4 atom produced by cold fusion (also called LENR). This equation is He-4 (ppb) = 55.91 (PX / I), where PX is the excess power in Watts, and I is the cell current in Amperes. For our most accurate measurements of He-4, there was exact agreement for one study that would not likely be just a coincidence. Two other experiments were also reasonably close to agreement with this equation and even suggested small calorimetric errors which have been identified. These three studies indicate that the He-4 produced in these LENR experiments readily escapes from the palladium cathodes used. This is often not the case for other electrodes, especially for palladium alloys such as Pd-B that yield somewhat smaller amounts of He-4 than the theoretical calculations. Several other applications of this equation are also presented.
Beyond Conventional Physics: Extended Electrodynamics, Lattice Confinement Fusion, ZPE & Advanced Propulsion
Guests: Hal Puthoff, Larry Forsley, Louis Dechiaro, Phillip Lentz, Richard Banduric, Rima Queid
69. Beyond Conventional Physic – Ecosystemic Futures – Apple Podcasts

The Inside Story of Google’s Quiet Nuclear Quest For a decade, Google Research has helped advance nuclear energy R&D
25 Nov 2024
Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions
NERD’s (Google’s “Nuclear Energy R/D” group) out-there pursuit was low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR)—still popularly known as cold fusion. This research field was so thoroughly lambasted in the early 1990s that it was effectively off-limits for decades…
Google’s Quiet Nuclear Energy Quest – IEEE Spectrum
Dr. Theresa Benyo: Taking Flight with LENR at NASA Glenn
Author: Eman M Elshaikh
Dec. 7
“This one’s more of a Eureka kind of moment. Where we are trying to know fusion reactions happen. We have evidence from our neutron spectroscopy because one of the byproducts of DD fusion is 2.45 MeV neutrons. … When we started replenishing the electrolyte solution in the cell and the heavy water, we started seeing more neutrons. I’m like, oh okay, I think we’re onto something. Now. This is like a Eureka moment.”
Dr. Theresa Benyo: Taking Flight with LENR at NASA Glenn – Solid State Fusion Discovery
LENR Business Sector News:
HYLENR ( https://hylenr.com/ ) showcased their patented LENR tech at the TIE Global Energy Summitt TiE Global Summit 24 | Empowering Global Entrepreneurs | BIEC Bangalore this Dec 11-13.

Investment Holding – Plasmoid Power – Thunderstorm Generator – Alpha Prospects is a licensee for the Plasmoid Powered “Thunderstorm Generator”. They gave this progress update to one of our forum members https://www.lenr-forum.com/forum/thread/7050-the-thunderstorm-reactor-as-another-potentially-easy-to-replicate-and-very-usefu/?postID=210176#post210176
ENG8 has a new corporate update: ENG8 Corporate Update: Activity During 2024 | ENG8 , and their latest news: News | ENG8

Infinite Energy Magazine #167 out now
Before it’s out, it’s at
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DISCLAIMER Mentions of any investment funds or private business do not indicate endorsement by the Authors or LENR-forum members. LENR-forum supports metal-hydrogen energy and solid state fusion as a zero-carbon solution to global energy needs. By publicizing community activity, we do not intend or seek to promote any one entity over any other. We do not give investment advice or suggestions. Due diligence is required before investing in any venture. Information is provided solely for educational and research purposes.

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