Your Source for Open Science and Emerging Energy Technology
ISCMNS Committee member Rob Christian has created a new Youtube channel for the Society to house historical videos and interviews with early pioneers. See Release Batch 1 with Melivin Miles, Steven Jones, Xing Zhong Li, and Edmund Storms here on Youtube. Read the Introduction here on LENR-Forum.
The ISCMNS Constitution and By-Laws have been comprehensively updated. They will be on the new ISCMNS website, the launch date has now been moved to February 2024
Join the ISCMNS and become part of a global group of motivated scientists, technologists, and others dedicated to researching and developing technologies that can ensure the future of our species on planet Earth. Members enjoy special rates at conferences, workshops, webinars. The online hubs we organize bring researchers and industry leaders together to build a green technolgoical future for all. Be part of this journey, for the sake of tomorrow, and all the days after. Free membership extended through April 2024. Apply here. Happy New Year! Librarian Jed Rothwell has been uploading scans of historical documents as well as newspaper editorials and articles, from the days after the announcement of the cold fusion discovery. Physicists and science writers were challenged beyond their capability to explain experiments contradicting the 100-year-old nuclear theory. These are from the Edmund Storms Collection, 2500 papers likely going to its whole own section, so check back later for the Edmund Storms Reading Room. Til then, find the newest uploads by date on the Recents page.
Downloads at for December spiked at 27,257, up from the previous month’s 14,173. Reports are they are not mass bots, either. See the big picture data here.
A collaboration between by Prof. David Nagel of George Washington University, Prof. Anasse Bari of New York University, and Anthropocene Institute [visit], aims to “develop AI and Predictive Analytics tools to support the commercialization of LENR.” One part is a science data collection with enhanced Search utilizing the library and more. Search by Author, or use the graphical timeline with papers by year, at

The 2024 American Nuclear Society Annual Conference [website] will meet June 9-12, 2024 in Las Vegas, Nevada and feature a session on LENR in the Materials Science and Technology Division on the topic of “Sample Preparation and Examination of Materials for Low Energy Nuclear Reaction Experiments“. Details are available at the ANS Web site. Authors may contact organizer Steven B. Krivit, publisher of the LENR Reference Site and New Energy Times, at [email protected].

The paper Water can trigger nuclear reaction to produce energy and isotope gases by a team led by Bin Juine Huang of Advanced Thermal Devices in Taiwan, along with Bob Greenyer of Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project, UK, has posted on Scientific Reports at, providing more details on their cavitation work. Follow the discussion on
A Note from the Editor read: “Readers are alerted that the conclusions presented in this article are subject to criticisms that are being considered by the Editors. A further editorial response will follow the resolution of these issues.” See what a Pub Peer review has for content, or, post your own here.
Bin Juine Huang presented Anomalous Gas Emission from Low-Energy Nuclear Reaction of Water at ICCF25 [watch on Youtube]. The group is using running water through a unique piping system to create transmutations and damage due to reactions under EDX, alongside excess heat.
Roger Stringham, among others, have performed what is called sonofusion since the 1990s. The National Research Council CNR of Italy patented and published in 2006 “Nuclear Metamorphosis of Matter” after systematic studies by cavitation both in liquids and solids such as water, iron salt solution, mercury, iron and steels. See https://www.newnuclearscience. eu for more.

Francesco Celani of Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare was interviewed by MRTV Italia [watch on Youtube] on the topic HYDROGEN WITH ITS DISRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN GEOPOLITICAL BALANCES. He also presented at ICCF 25 on The Role of Electric Pulse Shape. [watch on Youtube] New discussion thread open on the Forum.

Aureon Energy and the Safire Project have released the video Water Planet [watch on Youtube] showing the problems of radioactive waste go beyond conventional fission power, and how a process of transmutation could clean it up. See a walkthrough their lab and reactor here. Jump in the discussion on the Forum.

Japan continues to benefit from the decades long investment in solid state fusion research. A fresh company New Hydrogen Energy [visit][English] is developing a reactor based on the Metal Hydrogen Energy work of Chief Technical Advisor Ryoto Takahashi. Five employees performing basic research, technology development and product support will be overseen by Representative Director and President Hachisuka Renji.

Saur Energy International has reported that Hyderabad-based WindStream Technologies [visit], which offers hybrid solar and wind patented products, has partnered with the Advanced Center for Energy Research [visit] in Bengaluru for “the establishment of a collaborative framework for the development, production, and promotion of a modular room heating device”. [read]
Prahlada Ramarao, Director of the Center presented Confirming Sustained Excess Energy Generation in H2-loaded Palladium System [watch on Youtube] at the ICCF25 meeting this past summer representing colleagues Shree Varaprasad N S, Narayana Behra, Mohankumara P B, Shashank G Dath, and Suprith G C.

Did you see Masami Hayashi, Global Strategist for Clean Planet, Inc at TEDx Boston? Watch the presentation video, also with Yasuhiro Iwamura here.

Anthropocene Institute reported on the panel discussion at COP28 about “the extensive use of raw materials and natural capital has become a growing issue” and how “low-carbon energy sources measure up” along with “options available to minimize the impact of different forms of energy on our planet.” Read more and watch the panel discuss the question How can we meet growing energy demand while minimizing use of raw material and natural capital? here. interviews Tohoku University Research Professor Jirohta Kasagi on Nuclear Physics and the Quest for Clean Energy. Tohoku University’s Research Center for Electron Photon Science is collaborating with Clean Planet Inc. on a heat generator. Read it here.
Financial support is available to “scientists, students, and companies engaged in this field” of Solid State Fusion. Information about the grants and requirements are at the site here.

Steps to the Discovery of Electro-Nuclear Collapse: Collected Papers (1989-1999) by Dr. Takaaki Matsumoto. Available from [Amazon US] Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project’s Bob Greenyer takes you through the first twenty pages in this video on Youtube. A thread is open on LENR-forum here.

“Climate change and nature loss pose greatest risks for humanity.” WEF Global Risks Report 2024 finds that environmental risks continue to dominate the risks landscape. “Extreme weather, critical change to Earth systems, biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse, natural resource shortages and pollution represent five of the top 10 most severe risks perceived to be faced over the next decade.” World Wildlife Fund calls out the globe for not meeting climate goals. is looking for breakthrough energy authors. Contact us with your submission ideas.
DISCLAIMER Mentions of any investment funds or private business do not indicate endorsement by the Authors or LENR-forum members. LENR-forum supports metal-hydrogen energy and solid state fusion as a zero-carbon solution to global energy needs. By publicizing community activity, we do not intend or seek to promote any one entity over any other. We do not give investment advice or suggestions. Due diligence is required before investing in any venture. Information is provided solely for educational and research purposes.
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